Legal notice
lungenfunktion-leicht-gemacht e.V.
Teutonenring 9
68259 Mannheim / Germany
Phone +49 621 18067122
Authorized Board of Directors
Prof. Dr. Joachim Saur (first chairman)
Dr. Max Gehrlein (second chairman)
Dr. Frederik Trinkmann (treasurer)
Registration court Amtsgericht Mannheim
Register number VR700826
Provider identification
Prof. Dr. Joachim Saur (address as above)
in accordance with Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG) and
Section 55 of the German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty (RStV)
Important note
Medicine as a science is constantly subject to new developments. The reader should have the assurance that the authors and all participating persons have taken the greatest care that the contents are in accordance with the latest state of scientific knowledge at the time of completion of the work. This also applies to information pertaining to dosage instructions and application forms of medications, as well as any numerical values mentioned. No guarantee can be made for the completeness, accuracy or topicality of the contents. In particular, this does not represent any form of consultation for the individual user which would be an adequate substitute for the advice of a medical professional and/or pharmacist. Every user is obliged to determine for him/herself by means of careful consideration and, if necessary by consulting a specialist, whether the recommendation given differs from the information provided on this website. Any/every diagnosis, intervention or application is to be taken at the user’s own risk. We appeal to every visitor to communicate any inaccuracies or inconsistencies which he/she may encounter. Protected trademarks are not explicitly identified.
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